It’s Time

Today’s blog is the third in a series I never really planned to be a 3-part series–on transitions. I’ve written before about my decision to allow my certification as a Lactation Consultant to expire in 2013, and then again in 2017 when I decided to retire as a La Leche League Leader. And I’ve left other jobs over the years, usually because of some outside circumstance driving the decision—like quitting teaching to have babies, and quitting data collecting for national child development surveys when the funding ran out, quitting the world of (official) breastfeeding support when the time seemed right, and quitting a job for the Census Bureau. That job was probably the only one of the bunch that I simply grew to hate and decided I needed to spend my life doing things that brought some sense of meaning—and joy.

Today’s transition is different. I am retiring! After nine years as an employee and another thirteen before that as a consultant, I’ll be stepping down from my position at Family Voices. I’m not leaving that job because I don’t enjoy it—I do. Or that I don’t believe in its mission or purpose—I do. Or that I have run out of things to do with the organization—I haven’t. Or that I can leave the people I work with and not miss both the social connection and the collaboration—I’m sure I will miss both.

So why now? Why leave a job that has been good to me for years, and one that fits in with my overarching life goal of helping families and children thrive?

It’s time. Bob and I decided a few years ago that we would both retire at age 66. We wanted to be able to do some things together and with family while we are still young enough to be able to. We want to be available to Bob’s dad, now in his 90s, and help however he might need it. And I want time to tackle some writing projects that have been put on the back burner for quite a while now. I want to be able to do things for and with our grandkids, and have the time to do so.

I suppose I could continue to work and still accomplish some of these other things, and I’ve been doing that for years anyway. But I feel the need now to refocus my time and energy so these “other things” are not just fit in around work schedules. They will become my priorities.

There is a bit of a surreal feeling around all this when I think about how Monday will be different from today, my last day at Family Voices. In some sense, it will be similar since I’ll probably still spend a good bit of the day on the computer. I may have to force myself not to continue to check my Family Voices email, just out of habit.

My Family Voices family gave me a lovely surprise sendoff with a Zoom Retirement Party. Most of the staff, plus a couple of dear started-out-as-bosses-ended-up-as-friends, popped into view 15 minutes into what was originally scheduled as an “exit interview” with my boss—who, of course, knew the REAL reason for the call. I was truly touched seeing all these folks and hearing the stories. We laughed, and I, at least, shed a few tears. A box of some serious dark chocolate truffles and a lovely memory book added to the memories (and, perhaps, pounds if I don’t ration those chocolates!).

Transitions are hard. They require enough inertia to get moving, and (hopefully) some idea of what you are transitioning to. That destination for me is still a little fuzzy, but I think I’m ready, and the time is right.

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the only one who’ll decide where you’ll go.

Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go

© Melissa Clark Vickers 2020

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3 Responses to “It’s Time”

  1. Alice Says:

    There’s a lovely freedom to being able to wake up when you want and have whole days spread out in front of you, to do what you would like to do…or nothing, if you prefer that! Welcome to the world of retirement!

  2. Suna K Says:

    Thanks for sharing this. A Continuum article on knowing when it’s time would be cool.

  3. Kathy Parkes Says:

    Congrats, Melissa, on a new and joyful path of focus for those you really love. I will be following your blog and future writing since you’ve not only been a Co-LLLeader, co-IBCLC, but a dear friend. Have fun on your travels, your loving on grandbabies, and on writing.


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